Students taking the visual communications and multimedia design pathway will explore a wide range of media and techniques that provide a career-ready foundation of skills in the visual arts. careers in advertising, architecture, graphic design, movie/video production, automobile design, photojournalism, medical illustration and game design are just a few to consider. College credit are available in most classes after portfolio review.
Media communications class is the home of the global compass, where a monthly school newsletter is created. students will design, implement, and manage the content using professional industry-based skills. our mac computer lab will provide industry-used technology to enhance learning using abobe suite. the class intends to provide students with the necessary skills to gain internship experiences, work-based learning, and employment.
College credit may be available through Villa Maria College.
Photography is a course that engages the power of observation, creativity, and storytelling by using a camera to record experiences. projects will use cell phones, point-and-shoot, and DLSR cameras to develop photography skills. the history of photography, professional photographers, and guidelines will engage and ignite the student's creative process and teach them how to use the artistic process to present their experiences. the class intends to provide students with the necessary skills to gain internship experiences, work-based learning, and employment.
College credit may be available through Villa Maria College.
Graphic design is a course that focuses on the influence of design on many leading industries. projects will develop skills in observations, composition, and color theory, guided by the practices of professionals using visual communications as a career. our mac computer lab will provide industry-used technology to enhance learning, such as adobe illustrator, indesign, and photoshop. the intent of the class is to provide students with the necessary skills through internships, work-based learning, and employment.
College credit may be available through Villa Maria College.
Digital Video Production Is A Course That Explores Digital Storytelling Using Sequencing, Video Recording, And Animation To Create Meaningful Forms Of Visual Communication. Industry-used Technology Will Enhance Learning Using Current Editing Software, Primarily Adobe Premier Pro And Express. The Primary Goals Of This Course Are Internship Experiences, Work-based Learning, And Employment.
Prerquisite Is Photography Or Teacher Recommendation